Issue Position: Energy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

As gas prices continue to rise to the dismay of American families, our need to expand domestic production of energy is more obvious than ever. America needs to reduce its dependence on foreign energy sources and attack our nation's energy crisis head-on.

As a member of the Natural Resources Committee and Chairman of the Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans and Insular Affairs, I'm on the front lines looking for practical solutions to our very real energy problem.

There are common sense solutions in this time of crisis that would lower energy costs for Americans without putting our environment at risk. Natural gas is a prime example of a safe and abundant source of energy. Unfortunately, liberals and the Obama administration regularly cave to left-wing pressure from environmental special interest groups. They keep imposing job-crushing regulations that prevent us from producing energy domestically.

As a member of the Natural Resources Committee and Chairman of the Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans and Insular Affairs, I'm on the front lines fighting these attacks and looking for practical solutions to our very real energy problem.

Big, liberal government is getting in the way of American solutions. I am committed to reducing regulation and fighting irrational environmental policies that keep our nation reliant on foreign energy sources, while the American people are suffering at the pump.
